Subject Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
English Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox Topsy and Tim Visit London by Jean and Gareth Adamson Whiffy Wilson. The Wolf who wouldn’t go to school. By Carly Hart
  • the, a, do, to, today, of, are, was, is, his,
  • has, I, be, he, me, she, we, no, go, so.
  • you, they, by, my, love, have, give, said, for, and, at,
  • Days of the week.
  • CVC Pseudo words
  • Words ending in ‘-y’.
  • Double consonant ‘ll, ff, ss, ck’
  • Words using the trigraph ‘-tch’.
  • Adding ‘s’ to words to make plural.
  • Adding ‘-ing’ and ‘-ed’ to verbs.
  • New consonant spelling ‘wh’.
  • Common Exp words ‘says, here, there, where, come, some, that, with, all, my’
  • Words using the trigraph ‘-tch’.
  • Adding ‘-es’ to words of plural nouns.
  • Adding ‘-ing’ and ‘-er’ to verbs, adding an extra syllable. E.g. hunting, kinder.
  • Words ending in ‘-y’.
  • Days of the whole week.
  • Common Exp words: ‘were your’. Numbers 0-10
  • Practise more plurals adding ‘s and es’.
  • Adding ‘ed’ to make a past tense verb.
  • Compound words where two words are spelt correctly as if independent.
  • Common Exp words ‘once, ask, friend, school, put, push, pull, full, house, our’.
  • Digraph and Trigraph focus.
  • Revisit digraphs and trigraph including split digraphs.
  • Third person singular of verbs adding syllable e.g. she washes.
  • Adding ‘-ed’ to the word, sometimes making an extra syllable e.g. wanted.
  • Adding ‘-er’ and ‘-est’
  • Learn new consonant ‘ph’.
  • Adding the prefix ‘un-‘
  • Practise for phonics screening check.
  • Revise all words ending in ‘-y’.
  • Using ‘k’ for the ‘c’ sound.
  • Days of the week – practise independent spelling.
  • Practise and check full set of Common Exp words.
  •  To know that sentences begin with a capital letter.
  • Start to use a capital letter to begin a sentence and a full stop to end a sentence in their writing.
  • Introduce children to a ‘?’ and a ‘!’ during shared reading.
  •  Learn to use capital letters for names of people and personal pronoun ‘I’.
  • Learn to use a question mark and write questions.
  •  Learn to use an exclamation mark and write sentences that require an exclamation mark.
  • Children suggest what’s missing from sentences – including all types of punctuation learnt.
  • Encourage children to use full stops and capital letters in all of their writing.
  • Use ‘?’ and ‘!’ correctly when appropriate.
  • Model simple oral and written sentences as examples of clear units of meaning.
  • Write simple dictated sentences from memory.
  • Know that names of people begin with a capital letter.
  • Name people and their jobs in and out of school.
  • Model re-reading to check writing makes sense.
  • Learn the days of the week and the months of the year.
  • Wide range of colours.
  • Ready rhymes of and poems to hear rhyming words.
  • Understand the term ‘describing word’ and use describing words for objects in the school environment.
  • Draw children’s attention to the past when talking about texts together.
  •  To know names of places being with a capital letter.
  • To learn that personal pronoun ‘I’ and has a capital letter.
  • Orally retell a short story using conjunctions.
  • Revisit the understanding of the past to show an event has already happened.
  • Identify action/doing words.
  • Develop the skill of reading back over our sentences to check our writing.
  • Start to include conjunctions to join two ideas together.
  •  Introduce the present, progressive and past tense.
  • Use of poetry to enjoy rhymes and expand vocabulary.
  •  Dictate short sentences that include full stops, question and exclamation marks.
  •  Revisit describing words. Using them in the school environment and writing.
  •  Recognise a sentence which is a question or an exclamation.
  • Learn when a sentence gives information or instruction.
  • Write simple instructions.
  •  Learn simple conjunctions words.
  • Read and write common irregular past tense
  •  Introduce the use of adverbs which describe how an action is done.
  • Compose oral and written sentences that describe an activity.
  • Create word banks of past tense verb which children can use as a resource.
  •  Build vocabulary about the wider world through outings and outdoor walks.
  • Where possible arrange a talk by a visitor to expand vocabulary and experience.
Mathematics Number

  • Place value within 10
  • Addition, subtraction within 10


  • Shape

  • Place value within 20
  • Addition and subtraction within 20
  • Place value within 50


  • Length and height
  • Mass  and volume

  • Multiplication and division
  • Fractions
  • Place value within 100


  • Money
  • Time


  • Position and Direction
Science Everyday Materials

Human Senses

Seasonal Change   Plant Parts

Animal Parts

Computing Online Safety


Grouping and sorting Pictograms Lego Builders Maze Explorers Animated Stories
PE Invasion games

Health Related Fitness (HRF)

Sports hall athletics

Invasion games

  • Hockey


Net and wall games

  • Tennis

Invasion games

  • Netball

Striking and fielding

  • Rounders.
  • Cricket







Milad un Nabi




Naam Karan


Esala Perahera

PSHE Being me in my world Celebrating difference Dreams and goals Healthy me Relationships Changing me
Art and DT
  • Mix it
  • Funny Face and Fabulous Features
  • Shade and Shelter (DT)
  • Taxi! (DT)
  • Rain and Sunrays  
  • Street View
  • Chop, Slice and Mash (DT)
Music Introducing Beat Adding Rhythm and Pitch Introducing Tempo and Dynamics Combining pulse, rhythm and pitch Having fun with improvisation Explore sound and create a story
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