Physical Education and Sports Premium 2022/23

Academic Year: 2022/23 Total fund allocated: £17,360 Date Updated: September 2023

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety Please complete all of the below*:
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? 80%
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]? 80%
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? % not known, area for improvement.
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming, but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? No

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school Percentage of total allocation: 31%
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: Actions to achieve: Funding allocated: Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:
Encourage more pupils to be active. Review the quality of our curriculum including:

  • Breadth and Balance
  • Accessibility of all the activities
  • Use of TA’s to support learning
  • Quality of teaching and learning
  • Staff Professional Learning (PL)
  • Access to facilities / resources
  • Pupil Needs (Pupil Voice)
  • All children take part in the ‘Daily Mile’, running, jogging or walking the mile.
  • Long term school PE plan and class medium term plans ensure that children have two 1-hour PE lessons every week.
  • Both KS1 and KS2 are given 2x15 minute play and a 30 minute play every day where children are becoming more active during the playtime.
  • Opportunities for children to use equipment at playtimes including an outdoor gym and trim trail area as well as footballs, netballs, skipping ropes and hoops.
  • Plan to increase the ‘Daily Mile’ to a whole class/school marathon organised by Year 6 children.
  • Continue to provide a range of after school clubs that are available to the whole school.
  • Ensure there are enough clubs aimed at the younger children in the school (EYFS/KS1)
Increase after school participation in sports clubs Offer more sports clubs/wider variety across the whole school. Costed Below Continue to provide a range of after school clubs that are available to the whole school.

Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Percentage of total allocation: 57%
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: Actions to achieve: Funding allocated: Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:
Upskill existing teachers to ensure quality teaching is provided to all children.
  • Up skill teachers
£3670 Employing specialist teachers of Physical Education through Sprint Sports Partnership to enable:

  • Improved staff professional knowledge.
• Ensure that all teachers have the chance to be upskilled if they wish to do so.
Offer a range of clubs to enable children to improve skills. Member of staff employed to run a range of after school clubs.


£5000 Specialist coached employed to enable:

  • Further and after school lunchtime sporting opportunities
Continue to provide a range of after school clubs that are available to the whole school. Some clubs to be run by external companies to encourage a range of activities.
Greater attendance at sports competitions. Enter a range of sports competitions. £400 WOKSSA and Kent School Games competition Membership for period 2020-2021 which enables: Continue to enter as many competitions as possible.

Increase number of teams entered the competitions.

Increase leadership roles. Year 6 children to complete Play Leader Award  
  • Sandhurst to enter a range of sporting tournaments including: Cross Country, Netball, Football Swimming, Athletics, Rounders, Kwik Cricket
Member of staff released to arrange and prepare for competitions. Organise whole school sports weeks

Create a sports display celebrating successes and promote PE in school and within the community

  • Newsletters
  • Displays
  • Schemes of work
  • Club registers
  • Pupil voice
Ensure children feel proud to take part in sports and to represent the school.
Audit, update and purchase new PE equipment.  All children feel confident and learn a new sport and skill £1000 Equipment updated and added to existing sports kit to allow for increase in children across year groups.

New tennis nets and balls bought to enable the teaching of tennis lessons.


Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Percentage of total allocation: 9%
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: Actions to achieve: Funding allocated: Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:
Long-term plan to ensure coverage of all elements of the PE curriculum.
Specialist PE teacher in school, to teach alongside staff once a week.
Employing specialist teachers of Physical Education through SPRINT sport Partnership to enable:

  • Improve staff professional learning to upskill teachers and teaching assistants in; gymnastics and infant agility
  • Provide schemes of work offering depth and breadth across the PE curriculum
Costed in KI2 More confident and competent staff

  • Enhanced quality of teaching and learning
  • Increased capacity and sustainability
  • Improved standards
  • Positive attitudes to health and well-being
  • Improved pupil attitudes to PE
  • Positive impact on whole school improvement
Continue to upskill staff in

  • Large apparatus
  • Dance
Specialist teacher to lead one PE lesson each week which also provides further CPD for school staff. Improve staff professional learning to upskill teachers and teaching assistants.

  • Upskill in; netball and sportshall athletics.

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Percentage of total allocation: 46%
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: Actions to achieve: Funding allocated: Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:
Review the quality of our extra-curricular provision including:

  • Range of activities offered
  • The time of day when activities are offered.
  • Access to facilities (onsite/ off-site)
  • Partnerships and links with clubs
  • Employing specialist PE teachers or qualified coaches to increase subject knowledge and confidence (Already individually costed in KI3).
  • Provide suitable transport arrangements to facilities/events off-site.
  • Continue to provide children with links to clubs outside of school. Buying into local, existing sports Networks.
Already Costed above
  • Extended, alternative provision
  • Engaged or re-engaged disaffected pupils.
  • Increased pupil participation
  • More confident and competent staff.
  • Enhanced quality of delivery of activities
  • Increased staffing capacity and sustainability
  • Improved standards
  • Positive attitudes to health and well-being
  • Improved behaviour and attendance and reduction of low level disruption.
  • Positive impact on whole school improvement.
  • Enhanced communication with parents / carers.
  • Increased school-community links
Organise additional lunch time games

Update the current Sports Trophy awards for different events throughout the year to encourage more children to aim high in their sporting achievements.

Provide activities to develop an active lifestyle
  • Employing teachers to target Outdoor and Adventurous Activities to deliver weekly forest school lessons alongside school staff for all classes.
  • Children in Year 6 to complete Bikeability.
  • Children in EYFS and Year 1 to complete Balanceability.



Continue to offer forest schools across the school and train another member of staff.
Increase leadership roles. Year 6 children to complete Play Leader Award

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport Percentage of total allocation: 2%
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: Actions to achieve: Funding allocated: Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:
More participation in sports events both inter and intra competitions, through additional provision of clubs and specialist teaching. Employ member of staff in charge of sporting events and club provision.

Provide additional clubs.

Target teaching through clubs and
lessons was halted due to the impact of Covid19 and subsequent lockdown periods. Local matches were arranged when possible and the school football team entered a local tournament. 
Increase the number of girls participating in the following clubs and competitions;
- Football
- Rounders
- Kwik Cricket
Membership of WOKSSA (Weald of Kent Schools Sports Association) Sign up for additional events/festivals/competitions ensuring as wide a range of pupils as possible have the opportunity to enter. Costed in KI2
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