Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe. We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any Online incidents are recorded and managed in accordance with our Online Safety Policy. Online Safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.
Our school Online Safety Policy can be viewed here. Online Safety Policy
We also have separate policies for Image Use Policy and Mobile Phone Use
These are our School Online Safety Rules – please do discuss them with your child:
- I only use the internet when an adult is with me
- I only click on links and buttons when I know what they do
- I will only use websites that an adult has chosen
- I keep my personal information and passwords safe online
- I only send messages online which are polite and friendly
- I know the school can see what I am doing online
- I only use software and applications on school laptops and IPads that my teacher has asked me to use
- I have read and talked about these rules with my parents/carers
- I always tell an adult/teacher if something online makes me feel unhappy or worried
- I know that if I do not follow the rules then I will have restricted use of laptops and other devices.
- I will either close the laptop lid or turn over the IPad if I see anything I am uncomfortable with
- I can visit to learn more about keeping safe online
- I only send messages which are polite and friendly.
- I will only post pictures or videos on the internet if they are appropriate and if I have permission.
- I only talk with and open messages from people I know and I only click on links if I know they are safe I know that people I meet online may not always be who they say they are. If someone online suggests meeting up, I will immediately talk to an adult.
- I know that not everything or everyone online is honest or truthful and will check content on other sources like other websites, books or with a trusted adult.
- I always credit the person or source that created any work, image or text I use.
- I will always use technology such as laptops, IPads and school file storage areas responsibly. I always ask permission from an adult before using the internet.
- I only use websites and search engines that my teacher has chosen.
- I use school computers for school work, unless I have permission otherwise.
- I keep my personal information safe and private online.
- I will keep my passwords safe and not share them with anyone.
- I will not access or change other people’s files or information.
- I will only change the settings on the computer if a teacher/technician has allowed me to.
- I understand that the school’s internet filter is there to protect me, and I will not try to bypass it..
- I know that my use of school devices/computers and internet access will be monitored.
- I have read and talked about these rules with my parents/carers.
- I can visit and to learn more about keeping safe online.
- I know that if I do not follow the school rules then I will have restricted use of laptops and other devices.
- If I am aware of anyone being unsafe with technology then I will report it to a teacher.
- I always talk to an adult if I’m not sure about something or if something happens online that makes me feel worried or frightened.
- If I see anything online that I shouldn’t or that makes me feel worried or upset then I will minimise the page/shut the laptop lid/flip over the IPad and tell an adult straight away.
For further information please click on the links below:
We ensure all of our children are aware that they can report any material they come across on the internet or any use of the internet which worries them via CEOP which is the National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation and On-line Protection centre and parents and families can use this too to make a report. We recommend parents keep informed of e-safety issues and understand their child’s use of the internet, whatever their age, and parents can find useful information to help them with this through Thinkuknow.
There is a really good resource called ‘Digital Parenting’ which is produced by Vodafone monthly and covers many questions or concerns about how to help your child use the internet (which is a wonderful resource) safely. Please follow the link here to the online magazine. There is also a wealth of additional material in these other websites as recommended by KCC’s Online Safety Officer: