It is our intent to provide a broad and balanced curriculum at Sandhurst. Through our curriculum development we want all our children and staff to have the opportunity for memorable experiences, rich opportunities and high quality, irresistible learning. To this end, we recognise the changing needs of individuals and groups. The curriculum is developed so that our children become effective and motivated learners, responsible citizens and confident individuals.
We follow the National Curriculum and teach with a creative focus which demonstrates our carefully planned, thematic approach to teaching and learning. Our planning is built around a framework of ever changing context so the curriculum remains dynamic and interesting whether children are in a mixed or single age group or even if a child has just newly joined the school. This way of teaching supports children’s natural curiosity and stimulates their creativity. It offers children the opportunity to work in depth, giving them the time they need to reflect, consolidate and transfer their learning. We know direct experiences placed at the centre of the curriculum will develop children’s thinking and capacities in meaningful contexts. In our drive to raise standards and achievement, we teach all recommendations as highlighted in the Primary Curriculum. This offers a focus on assessment for learning to help reflect the differentiated needs of all our children including those with disabilites or special educational needs. Essential to this approach is a consistent focus on key skills and knowledge built on year on year at an ever increasing level of challenge.
When planning for all areas of the curriculum, we think carefully about:
- The INTENT behind each subject – why are we teaching it and what makes it special for our school.
- The IMPLEMENTATION – how are we teaching subjects across the school, in year groups and key stages.
- The IMPACT – the links to the National Curriculum and how are children learn as a result.
The phonics scheme we use across Early Years and KS1 is ‘Read, Write, Inc’.
Further Information
Read a Parents’ Guide to the National Curriculum
View the overview of the curriculum for each year group
EYFS | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 & 5 | Year 5 & 6 |