P.E. (T3&4)

Following the GetSet4PE scheme of learning, our Physical Education (PE) lessons for term 3 will focus on multiskills and gymnastics. Our PE lessons for term 4 will focus on netball and tennis. Our PE lessons will be on Tuesdays and Friday; children can wear their PE into school on both of these days.


Throughout our multiskills lessons, we will develop an awareness of what our body is capable of; develop speed and stamina; develop strength using our own body weight; develop co-ordination through skipping; perform actions that develop agility; and develop control whilst balancing.


During our gymnastics lessons, we will develop the straddle, forward and backward roll; develop counter balance and counter tension; perform inverted movements with control; perform the progressions of a headstand and a cartwheel; use flight from hands to travel over apparatus; and create a group sequence using formations and apparatus.


Throughout our netball unit, we will develop defending and attacking play during even-sided 5-a-side netball. We will learn to use a range of different passes to keep possession and attack towards a goal. We will be encouraging Churchill Class to work collaboratively to think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils will start to show control and fluency when passing, receiving and shooting the ball. Also, we will learn key rules of the game such as footwork, held ball, contact and obstruction.


In this unit pupils develop their racket skills when playing tennis. We will learn specific skills such as a forehand, backhand, volley and underarm serve. Pupils develop their tactical awareness including how to play with a partner and against another pair. Churchill Class will be encouraged to show respect for their team-mates, as well as their opponents, when self-managing games. Pupils are also given opportunities to reflect on their own and other’s performances and identify areas to improve.

To find out more, view our GetSet4PE Knowledge Organisers



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