R.E. (T1&2)

Our Religious Education lessons will continue to be based upon our “Love to Celebrate” projects. Basing the “Love to Celebrate” projects around festivals, gives a real-life context to the children’s learning and a structure to the projects. However, the celebration itself is only a small part of each “Love to Celebrate” project. Each set of projects covers all major aspects of each religion including worship, belief, leadership and belonging.

Please view our “World festivals and Celebrations Calendar”.

Term 1: Buddhism – Kathina

Kathina is a celebration held in October or November after Vassa, the Rains Retreat, which is sometimes known as the Buddhists Lent. Buddhist monks stay in a vihara or monastery during the rainy season in Asian countries and spend time studying the Dharma (Buddha’s teaching) and meditating.
For the key words and vocabulary associated with this topic, please view our “Kathina Glossary”.

Term 2: Christianity – Sikhism – Vaisakhi

Sikhs usually celebrate Vaisakhi on the 13th and 14th April. It is the most important festival day for Sikhs because, in 1699, Guru Gobind Singh created the Khalsa. The Khalsa are ordained Sikhs who make promises to wear the Five Ks and follow the Sikh religion faithfully. To become part of the Khalsa, Sikhs drink a sugary liquid called amrit and have it sprinkled onto their eyes and hair. Some Sikhs choose to take amrit during Vaisakhi.

For the key words and vocabulary associated with this topic, please view our “Vaisakhi Glossary”.

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