PSHE (3&4)

Over the course of term 3 and 4, we will continue to follow our Jigsaw PSHE scheme of learning. Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE is a progressive and spiral scheme of learning. In planning the lessons, Jigsaw PSHE ensures that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills, year on year as appropriate.

Term 3: Dreams and Goals

In this Puzzle, we will be talking about our hopes and dreams and developing an understanding that sometimes these do not come true. We will learn that reflecting on positive and happy experiences can counteract disappointment. We will learn how to make a new plan after a setback and know how to work out the steps needed to achieve a goal. We will also learn about the importance of being part of a group and the contributions made to the success of the goal.

Term 4: Healthy Me

In this Puzzle, we will think about how different friendships are formed and how we fit into them. We will discuss how some people are leaders and followers in groups and reflecting on which role we fit into. We will learn about smoking and alcohol, the effects on health and some of the reasons people start smoking or drinking alcohol. We will also learn to recognise when people are putting us under pressure and ways to resist this.  We will also discuss what we believe is right and wrong.

For more information regarding the knowledge and skills progression, please view the Jigsaw Knowledge Skills and Progression Document for ages 8-9



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