P.E. (T3&4)

Following the GetSet4PE scheme of learning, our Physical Education (PE) lessons for term 3 will focus on multiskills and gymnastics. Our PE lessons for term 4 will focus on netball and tennis. Our PE lessons will be on Monday and Thursday; children can wear their PE into school on both of these days.


Throughout our multiskills lessons, we will take part in a range of fitness challenges. They will learn about different components of fitness; speed, stamina, strength, coordination, balance and agility.


Throughout this unit, pupils will create more complex sequences; learn a wider range of travelling actions and include the use of pathways; develop more advanced actions such as inverted movements and explore ways to include apparatus; and demonstrate control in their behaviour to create a safe environment for themselves and others to work in.


In our netball unit, we will be encouraged to persevere when developing competencies in key skills and principles such as defending, attacking, throwing, catching and shooting. We will learn to use a range of different passes in different situations to keep possession and attack towards goal. We will learn about defending and attacking play as we begin to play even-sided versions of 5-a-side Netball. We will also learn key rules of the game such as footwork, held ball, contact and obstruction.


During this unit, pupils develop the key skills required for tennis such as the ready position, racket control and forehand and backhand ground strokes. We will learn how to score points and how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils are given opportunities to play games independently and are taught the importance of being honest whilst playing to the rules.



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