PSHE (T1&2)

Over the course of term 1 and 2, we will continue to follow our Jigsaw PSHE scheme of learning. Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE is a progressive and spiral scheme of learning. In planning the lessons, Jigsaw PSHE ensures that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills, year on year as appropriate.

For more information regarding the knowledge and skills progression, please view the Jigsaw Knowledge Skills and Progression Document for ages 7-8

Term 1: Being me in my world

In this Puzzle, we will be considering What are choices and consequences and why do we need them? Pupils will learn how to use their Jigsaw Journal, what the rights and responsibilities as a member of our class are, we will consider how everyone’s views are valued and contribute our school Learning Charter. We will explore the idea that the choices that we make can have consequences, understand our rights and responsibilities within our Learning Charter (class rules).

Term 2: Celebrating difference

In this Puzzle, we will think about how everyone and their families are different. We will explore family conflict, how to help someone if they are being bullied, and what to do to help the situation. We will focus on the importance of using kind words and giving compliments to others, but also how to receive them.


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