Computing (T3&4)

Following the Purple Mash scheme of learning, our two main computing topics, this term, will be email and branching data bases.


In term 3, we will be focusing upon email. We will learn about:

  • Different types of communication
  • How to compose emails
  • Email safety
  • Online safety around attachments
  • Emails solutions and how to report any concerns

To find out more, view our Email Knowledge Organiser.

Branching data bases

Over the course of term 4, our work will focus upon branching data bases. We will learn:

  • About the diffeent ways data bases can be organised
  • How to search a ready-made data base
  • How to collect data to answer a question
  • To add to a data base
  • To make a branching data base
  • Make a class data base with yes/ no questions.

To find out more, view our Branching Databases Knowledge Organiser.



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