R.E. (T3&4)

Our Religious Education lessons will continue to be based upon our “Love to Celebrate” projects. Basing the “Love to Celebrate” projects around festivals, gives a real-life context to the children’s learning and a structure to the projects. However, the celebration itself is only a small part of each “Love to Celebrate” project. Each set of projects covers all major aspects of each religion including worship, belief, leadership and belonging.

Please view our “World festivals and Celebrations Calendar.

Term 3: Islam – Hajj

The Hajj is a pilgrimage Muslims make to the holy city of Mecca. Pilgrims spend five days praying and worshipping both in Mecca and the surrounding desert. It is a spiritual pilgrimage that every adult Muslim must perform at least once in their lives if they are physically able and can afford it.

During the Hajj, pilgrims wear simple clothes and try not to argue. The pilgrims walk around the Kaaba, drink water from the Zamzam Well and stone the pillars at Mina.

The key themes we will consider and examine are: important journeys, going to Mecca; how it would feel to be part of Hajj; Hajj customs and the Five Pillars of Islam.

For the key words and vocabulary associated with this topic, please view our “Hajj Glossary”.

Term 4: Christianity – lent

Lent is a time for Christians to fast, think about God, say sorry for the things they have done that they regret, pray, and learn more about the life of Jesus. It lasts for 40 days (excluding Sundays), because this is the same amount of time that Jesus spent fasting and thinking about God in the desert before he started teaching and performing miracles.

The last week of Lent is called ‘Holy Week’. During ‘Holy Week’, Christians remember Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday and celebrate his rising from the dead three days later on Easter Sunday.

The key themes we will consider and examine are: Ash Wednesday; the 30 days of lent; switch off, switch on; symbolism and exploring prayer.

For the key words and vocabulary associated with this topic, please view our “Lent Glossary”.



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