Maths (T5&6)

Following the White Rose Maths scheme, year 3 will cover six main blocks of learning over the course of the spring term: ratio; algebra; decimals; fractions; decimals and percentages; perimeter, area and volume; and statistics. The blocks of learning for ratio and algebra have been moved to earlier in the year to give more time to consolidate these new concepts. As part of the White Rose Maths scheme, each block is broken down into a series of small learning steps. Combined, these small learning steps then cover all the curriculum content your child needs to know in small related chunks.

Maths area of learning Block Small Learning Steps
Number Fractions Add fractions; subtract fractions; partition the whole; unit fractions of a set of objects; non-unit fractions of a set of objects; reasoning with fractions of an amount.
Measurement Money Pounds and pence; convert pounds and pence; add money; subtract money; find change.
Measurement Time Roman numerals to 12; tell the time to 5 minutes; tell the time to the minute; read time on a digital clock; use am and pm; years, months and days; days and hours; hours and minutes – use start and end times.
Measurement Mass, capacity and measurement Use scales; measure mass in grams; measure mass in kilograms and grams; equivalent masses (kilograms and grams); compare mass; add and subtract mass; measure capacity and volume in millilitres; measure capacity and volume in litres and millilitres; equivalent capacities and volumes (litres and millilitres); compare capacity and volume; add and subtract capacity and volume.
Geometry Shape Turns and angles; right angles; compare angles; measure and draw accurately; horizontal and vertical; parallel and perpendicular; recognise and describe 2-D shapes; draw polygons; recognise and describe 3-D shapes; make 3-D shapes.
Statistics Statistics Interpret pictograms; draw pictograms; interpret bar charts; draw bar charts; collect and represent data; two-way tables.

One of the most important things for your child to have mastered and maintain is their knowledge of times tables. For an overview of our weekly times tables focus, please view our Term 5 and Term 6 Homework Grid. To complement their work in lessons reinforcing their fluency, recall and commutativity of these timetables, your child will be set a weekly activity to complete as part of their homework on Sumdog.

Our Calculation Policy: addition and subtraction

Our Calculation Policy: multiplication and division



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