Computing (T5&6)

Following the Purple Mash scheme of learning, our two main computing topics, this term, will be email and branching data bases.


In term 5, we will be focusing upon Simulations. We will learn about:

  • To find out what a simulation is and understand the purpose of simulations.
  • To explore a simulation, making choices and discussing their effects.
  • To work through and evaluate a more complex simulation.

To find out more, view our Simulations Knowledge Organiser.


Over the course of term 5, our work will also focus upon graphing. We will learn:

  • How to make a graph using a given number of fields
  • Add data to a graph
  • Using 2Graph to Solve an Investigation; solving a maths investigation; present the results in a range of graphical formats; use the sorting option to make analysis of their data easier.

To find out more, view our Graphing Knowledge Organiser.

Presenting with Microsoft PowerPoint

Over the course of term 6, the children will focus on presenting with Microsoft PowerPoint. We will be:

  • Making a Presentation from a Blank Page
  • Adding media
  • Adding animation
  • Presenting with timings
  • Creating our won presentations using all the skills we have learnt throughout this unit.

To find out more, view our Presenting with Microsoft PowerPoint Knowledge Organiser.

Presenting with Google Slides

At the end of term 6, our work will focus upon presenting with Google Slides. We will learn:

  • To create a page in a presentation.
  • To add media to a presentation
  • To add shapes and lines to a presentation.
  • To add animations into a presentation.
  • To use the skills learnt in previous weeks to design and present an effective presentation.

To find out more, view our Presenting with Google slides Knowledge Organiser.



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