P.E. (T5&6)

Striking and Fielding

Rounders: Pupils will learn how to score points by striking a ball into space and running around cones or bases. When fielding, they learn how to play in different fielding roles. They focus on developing their throwing, catching and batting skills. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Pupils are given opportunities to work in collaboration with others, play fairly demonstrating an understanding of the rules, as well as being respectful of the people they play with and against.


During our Athletics unit, pupils will develop basic running, jumping and throwing techniques. They are set challenges for distance and time that involve using different styles and combinations of running, jumping and throwing. As in all athletic activities, pupils think about how to achieve their greatest possible speed, distance or accuracy and learn how to persevere to achieve their personal best. Pupils are also given opportunities to measure, time and record scores.

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