English (T1&2)


Our Class Text and Comprehension

Over the course of both terms, we will be exploring and reading “Little People, Big Dreams: Rosa Parks” and “Little People, Big Dreams: Treasuries”. Both of these books cover the lives of Rosa Parks and other significant people. Rosa Parks takes us through a fictional story based on her real life.

In term 2 we will look at Christmas texts including poems to aid our key stage Nativity.

Independent Reading

In class, we will continue to use the Accelerated Reader program. For further information about this, please view a Parent’s Guide to Accelerated Reader. (https://help.renlearn.co.uk/AR/ARParentGuide) If you need your child’s AR password, please contact me (Miss Lett).


Over the course of the term, we will be writing: biographies; newspaper reports; persuasive posters; and speeches. These pieces of writing are all non-fiction and we will be using factual information to create these.

Biographies are always a good start to a new year as this really helps children focus on capital letters for important headings. Biographies about significant individuals will help children understand what factual means and how we can use it in our writing.

After writing a biography, we will write a newspaper report. Again, like biographies, factual information is used and highlighting where capital letters and full stops go will be key.

Furthermore, we will be writing persuasive posters. This will cover learning new language about how we persuade in our writing and children will learn a new range of writing techniques including a question mark for rhetorical questions.

We will produce a speech based on a famous, historical individual and their movement in history.

For more information, check out our sequential writing document.

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


This term we will practise and embed how to use full stops and capital letters accurately. We will also try some question marks and how we use them for different purposes. Alongside these two important pieces of punctuation, we will continually read aloud our work to ensure they make sense and understand what we need to punctuate the sentences with.


Over the next two terms, we will look at nouns and which ones may require capital letter. Once children have a secure knowledge of nouns, we will look at noun phrases and how we can use these in our writing. Children will learn about the four different sentence types (statements, commands, questions and exclamations) and how we use the correct punctuation for those sentence types. We will look at present and past tense and how we use the correct tense correctly in our writing.


During our spelling lessons this term, we will look at -ing and -ed words which links to our tense grammar lessons. Linking to our phonics work, we will look at a variety of diagraphs and trigraphs to help aid our phonics knowledge.

In addition to these weekly spelling rules, we will continue to learn and spell words from the Year 2  spelling list. For an overview of these spellings, please view the Spelling word list for Year 2



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