PSHE (T1&2)

Over the course of term 1 and 2, we will continue to follow our Jigsaw PSHE scheme of learning. Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE is a progressive and spiral scheme of learning. In planning the lessons, Jigsaw PSHE ensures that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills, year on year as appropriate.

For more information regarding the knowledge and skills progression, please view the Jigsaw Knowledge Skills and Progression Document for ages 5-6.

Term 1 Being Me In My World

We will begin by considering how we can feel safe and special in our classroom and what we can do to make sure others feel the same. We will discuss how we can make out school community a better place. We will learn about belonging to our class community and that we have ights and responsibilities a a member of our class. Furthermore, we will discuss everyone’s right to learn. We will consider other people’s feelings as well as our own and know that our views are valued. We will discuss how we can work well with others and create a ‘learning charter’ for our classroom.

Term 2 Celebrating Difference

Firstly we will learn to accept that everyone is different and we will discuss the similarities and differences between member of our class. We will discuss how we can include others when we are working or playing. We will learn to identify what bullying is and to understand how being bullied might feel. Furthermore, we will learn how to act if we think bullying is occurring. We will share ideas about who we may talk to if we ar feeling unhappy or were being bullied. We will learn the value of kind words and how to give and receive compliments.



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