P.E. (T3&4)

Following the GetSet4PE scheme of learning, our Physical Education (PE) lessons for term 3 will focus on multiskills and gymnastics. Our PE lessons for term 4 will focus on net and wall, and striking and fielding. Our PE lessons will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays; children can wear their PE into school on both of these days.


Throughout our multiskills lessons, we will take part in a range of fitness challenges. They will learn about different components of fitness; speed, stamina, strength, coordination, balance and agility.


Throughout the term we will explore the movement of travelling actions when linking high quality, diverse shapes with our bodies. We will learn about stability and strength when performing balances. we will develop techniques and control when performing shape jumps. We will learn how to execute a barrel, straight and forward roll with technique. Finally, we will learn to link gymnastic actions to create a sequence.

Net and Wall

In term 4, we will develop our skills of throwing, catching, hitting a ball and tracking a ball. We will learn how to defend a space and to play againt an opponent. We will explore hitting with a racket and to develop racket and ball skills. We will progress then to sending a ball using a racket and introducing the concept of hitting over a net.

Striking and Fielding

This topic of PE will enable children to develop their underarm throwing and catching, which will then progress on to overarm throwing. We will develop striking a ball with our hands as well as with equipment. We will learn how to collect a ball when fielding and how to get a batter out. We will have opportunities to develop the skills of decision making within a game and understand how to score points.

To find out more, view our GetSet4PE Knowledge Organisers



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