Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)


The children will, identify and moderate their own feelings socially and emotionally. Think about the perspectives of others.

Managing Self

The children will learn how to effectively manage their own needs. In addition, they will be independent in meeting their own care needs.

Building Relationships

The pupils will start to see themselves as a valuable individual. Throughout this term they will confidently express their feelings and consider the feelings of others.

Example of this in Action:

Term 2 Jigsaw PSHE Topic: Celebrating Differences

  • In this Puzzle (unit), children are encouraged to think about things that they are good at whilst understanding that everyone is good at different things. They discuss being different and how that makes everyone special but also recognise that we are the same in some ways. The children share their experiences of their homes and are asked to explain why it is special to them. They learn about friendship and how to be a kind friend and how to stand up for themselves if someone says or does something unkind to them.

For more information regarding the knowledge and skills progression, please view the Being Me in My World Knowledge Organiser and Celebrating Differences Knowledge Organiser.

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