and Language – T3

Listening, Attention and Understanding

This term, the children will develop their ability to ask questions to find out more. Through play, they will begin to understand humor. The children will learn how Listen attentively in a variety of situations.  They will be able to follow instructions using 2 steps or more.

Example of this in action:

  • This term we plan to invite a parent and their baby to come into school to visit the children. Before the visit, we will ask the children to prepare questions to ask the parent. After the visit, we will go back to the questions and ask the children to answer them with their gathered information.


The children will learn how to use talk to organize, sequence and clarify thinking. With support, they will be encouraged to introduce storyline or narrative into their play. Through a language rich environment, the children will use new vocabulary through the day.

Example of this in action:

  • This term the children will be comparing toys from the past and present. They will all have to opportunity to bring a favourite teddy bear into the class. The children will learn that the first teddy bears were created as toys for children over 100 years ago. The children will be shown a variety of teddy bears from the past. They will be invited to describe the images and compare them with their bear. The children will be encouraged to talk about how their bear feels and what makes it special.


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