Maths – T4

Following the White Rose Maths scheme, EYFS will cover three main phases of learning over the course of the spring term. As part of the White Rose Maths scheme, each phase is broken down into a series of small learning steps. Combined, these small learning steps then cover all the curriculum content your child needs to know in small related chunks.

This term’s small learning steps for each block
Maths area of learning Block Small Learning Steps
Number Alive in 5! Introduce zero: The children will the number name zero and the numeral 0 can be used to represent this idea.

Comparing numbers to 5: Children continue to understand that when comparing numbers, one quantity can be more than, the same as or fewer than another quantity.

Composition of 4 and 5: Children will continue to develop the understanding that all numbers are made up of smaller numbers.

Measure, shape and special thinking Alive in 5! Compare mass: Children will be encouraged to use the language of heavy, heavier than, heaviest, light, lighter than, lightest to compare items.

Compare capacity: Children will be encouraged to build on their understanding of full and empty to show half full, nearly full and nearly empty.

Number Growing 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8: The children will learn to represent 6, 7 and 8 in different ways and count the required number of objects from a larger group.

Making pairs: Children will begin to understand that a pair is two.

Combining 2 groups: Children will begin to combine two groups to find how many altogether.

Measure, shape and special thinking Growing 6, 7, 8 Length, height and time: Children will begin by using language to describe length and height, e.g. the tree is tall, the pencil is short. Children will continue to order and sequence important times in their day and use language such as now before, later, soon, after, then and next to describe when events happen.
Number Building 9&10 9&10: The children will continue to apply counting principles when counting to 9 and 10 (forwards and backwards). They will learn how to represent 9 and 10 in different ways.

Comparing numbers to 10: The children will continue to make comparisons by lining items up with 1-1 correspondence to compare them directly or by counting each set carefully and comparing their position in the counting order.

Bonds to 10: The children will explore number bonds to 10 using real objects in different contexts.

Measure, shape and special thinking Building 9&10 3-D shape: The children will naturally explore and manipulate 3-D shapes through their block play and modelling. Children will learn and explore all the different properties of 3-D shapes.

Patterns: The children will explore patterns which use items more than once in each repeat for example ABB, AAb, AABB and AABBB



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