Computing (T5&6)

Following the Purple Mash scheme of learning, our two main computing topics, this term, will be text adventures and blogging.

Text Adventures

In term 5, we will be focusing upon text adventures. We will learn about:

  • What is a Text Adventure? Planning a Story Adventure
  • Making a Story-based Adventure Game
  • Introducing Map-Based Text Adventures
  • Coding a Map-Based Text Adventure

To find out more, view our Text Adventure Knowledge Organiser.


Over the course of term 6, our work will focus upon quizzing. We will learn:

  • To create a picture-based quiz for young children.
  • How to use the question types within 2Quiz..
  • To explore the grammar quizzes.
  • To make a quiz that requires the player to search a database.
  • To make a quiz to test your teachers or parents..

To find out more, view our Quizzing Knowledge Organiser.



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