Computing (T5&6)


In term 5, we will be focussing upon animation. We will learn about:

  • What makes a good animated film or cartoon.
  • How animations are created by hand.
  • How animation can be created in a similar way using the computer.
  • How to add backgrounds and sounds to animations.
  • ‘Stop motion’ animation.

To find out more, view our Animation Knowledge Organiser.

Effective Searching

Over the course of term 6, our work will focus upon effective searching. We will learn:

  • To locate information on the search results page.
  • To use search effectively to find out information.
  • To assess whether an information source is true and reliable

To find out more, view our Effective Searching Knowledge Organiser.

Hardware Investigators

At the beginning of term 6, we will briefly become Hardware investigators.  We will learn about:

  • the different parts that make up a desktop computer
  • show the function of computer parts.

To find out more, view our Hardware Investigators Knowledge Organiser. 

Making Music

Our final Computing lessons of the year will encourage children to discuss and experiment with the main elements of a piece of music and allows them to compose themselves. We will learn to:

  • Identify and discuss the main elements of music: Pulse, Rhythm, Tempo, Pitch, Texture
  • understand and experiment with rhythm and tempo
  • create a melodic phrase
  • compose a piece of electronic music

To find out more, view our Making Music Knowledge Organiser. 



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