English (T3&4)


Our Class Text and Comprehension

In term 3, our reading comprehension lessons will be based upon our class text, “Katie Morag and the New Pier” by Mairi Hedderwick. Throughout this fiction text, we will join Katie Morag and her family explore the new pier that has been built in their coastal town. Everyone is ecstatic about the pier other than one face on the island who doesn’t seem so keen…

In term 4, our reading comprehension will be based upon another fiction text called “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” by Ronda and David Armitage. This story is about a lighthouse keeper called Mr Grinling. He lives in a beautiful white cottage on top of cliffs that are extremely high. He enjoys tucking in to his delicious lunch that his wife makes for him, but he’s not the only one who enjoys his lunch. The seagulls do too!

In term 4, we will also be looking at poems based around Easter for our class assembly.

To find out more about this text, view our Katie Morag and the New Pier Knowledge Organiser.

For further information about the reading skills we will focus upon this term, please view “Darwin Sequential Reading Curriculum”

Independent Reading

In class, we will continue to use the Accelerated Reader program. For further information about this, please view a Parent’s Guide to Accelerated Reader.(https://help.renlearn.co.uk/AR/ARParentGuide) If you need your child’s AR password, please contact me (Miss Lett).


Over the course of the term, we will be writing a description; adventure narratives; non-chronological reports; and persuasive writing.

Firstly, we will write a coastal themed description. Writing descriptions are always a great way to use amazing adjectives, noun phrases and a range of punctuation to set the scene. We will also focus on using the past tense consistently.

We will also write an adventure narrative which teaches children all about how to structure a story whilst using amazing vocabulary to keep everyone on their toes. Our adventure narrative will be written in first person about a sea rescue.

Furthermore, we will be writing a non-chronological report about Whitby in Yorkshire. We will be learning how to organize information into sections with sub-headings and using commas in a list.

In term 4, we will have a go at rewriting the story of, “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” and write a newspaper report about a lost lunch! We will use story maps to help us.

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


This term we will learn to use a comma in a list; identify where full stops and capital letters go; and will learn to use apostrophes for contraction.


Over the next two terms, we will learn to continue to work on adjectives and nouns; introduce verbs in context; distinguish the difference between facts and fiction; use conjunctions to join sentences; introduce “ly” words; independently; and irregular past tense verbs. We will have a big focus on reading back our work to ensure it makes sense grammatically. We will also look at expanded noun phrases and prepositions to expand our work.


During our spelling lessons this term, we revisit “-ing” and “-er” words; talk about syllables; spell words ending in “y”; continue to build on “wh” words; spell the days of the week accurately; common expectation words; numbers one to ten; practise plurals with “s” and “-es”; introduce third person verbs such as: he sings, she plays; and revise “split diagraphs”.

To view our weekly breakdown of our spellings, please view our Term 3 and Term 4 Homework Grid.

In addition to these weekly spelling rules, we will continue to learn and spell words from the Year 2  spelling list. For an overview of these spellings, please view the Spelling word list for Year 2



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