Expressive Art
and Design – T2

Creating with Materials

The children will learn how to create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills. Throughout the term they will develop storylines in their pretend play.

Example of this in action:

  • We will Share the story ‘My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes’ by Eve Sutton. We will Explore rhyming words in the story. As a class, we will explore the different boxes in which the cat likes to hide. On display will be a selection of large boxes and the children will be encouraged to work together to make dens using the boxes. The children will be provided felt tip pens, fabric, large pegs and cushions so they can make the spaces cosy. With support, the children will be encouraged to communicate their ideas, share the resources and cooperate with each other as they create.

Being Imaginative and Expressive

In Term 1 and 2, the children will explore listening and responding to different styles of music, embedding foundations of the interrelated dimensions of music, listening to, learning to sing or sing along with nursery rhymes and action songs, improvising leading to playing classroom instruments and, sharing and performing the learning that has taken place.

Example of this in action:

  • Our Charanga music topic for term 1 is ‘Me’. The children will explore family, friends, people and music from around the world. Throughout the unit they will Explore high pitch and low pitch in the context of the songs.
  • Our Charanga music topic for term 2 is ‘My Stories’. The children will explore songs that tell stories. They will use their imagination to explore the lyrics and the stories they are telling. They will experiment with a range of instruments to accompany their learnt songs.

For further information about the Charanga music programme, please view “Charanga School Music Knowledge Organiser’’



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