Literacy – T2


  • To use pictures to tell stories
  • To sequence familiar stories
  • To independently look at book, holding them the correct way and turning pages
  • To engage in story times, joining in with repeated phrases and actions
  • To begin to answer questions about the stories read to them
  • To enjoy and increasing range of books including fiction, non-fiction, poems and rhymes

Word Reading (RWI Phonics)

During Term 1, the children will be introduced to our RWI phonics programme. The term will begin with them learning about the pictures associated with the different sounds. By the end of Term 2, all children should be secure with their Set 1 sounds. The children will learn to blend sounds to read words using taught sounds.

For further information about the reading skills we will focus upon this term, please view Potter’s Sequential Reading Curriculum and EYFS and KS1 Phonics Overview


  • To copy their name and to write it independently by the end of Term 2.
  • To give meanings to the marks they make
  • To copy taught letters
  • To write initial sounds
  • To begin to write CVC words using taught sounds
  • To use the correct letter formation of taught letters
  • To write words and labels using taught sounds
  • To begin to write captions using taught sounds

For further information about the writing skills we will focus upon this term, please view “Potter’s Sequential Writing Curriculum”.



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