Literacy – T4


This term the children will be able to answer questions about a text that has been read to them. They will Begin to predict what might happen next in a story and seek familiar texts or stories to re-read in the book area. The children will begin to use modelled vocabulary during role play for example in the Small World and they will learn to retell or make up own stories using vocabulary that has been learnt. This term, the children will Identify non-fiction texts, remembering facts and information they have heard.

It is vital you continue to read a wide variety of books with your children at home. Please refer to our ‘Ten top tips for reading to your child‘ document for more support.

Word Reading (RWI Phonics)

At this point in the year, children in reception should have secure knowledge of all Set 1 sounds including Set 1 diagraphs. The children will continue with their six-weekly phonics assessments and will be placed in appropriate groups based on their sound knowledge. Any children not working at the expected level will also receive additional 1:1 tutoring to secure their knowledge of all Set 1 sounds. At this point of the year, children will begin to segment and blend CVC and CVCC words such as; cat, map, ship, chip. They will also have some awareness of ‘red words’ – non-decodable words that need to be learnt by site.

For further information about the reading skills we will focus upon this term, please view “Potter’s Sequential Reading Curriculum    and EYFS and KS1 Phonics Overview


This term, the children will focus on forming lowercase letters and capital letters correctly. At Sandhurst Primary School we use cursive script. Please refer for ‘cursive script guide’ for more support. The children will begin to write short sentences with words with known sound- letter correspondences, using a capital letter and a full stop. During independent writing, the children will begin to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. The children will learn how to write CVC words and labels using taught sounds and be able to read sentences back to an adult. Towards the end of the term, the children will begin to spells some high frequency tricky words. Please see ‘Potter Class red words’ for a list of high frequency words covered in EYFS.





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