Music (T3&4)

Term 3: Unit 3 – How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

During this unit we will be composing, using our imagination; and learning about all the foundational elements of music with a focus on composition.

Term 4: Unit 4 – How Does Music Help Us Get to Know Our Community?

During this unit, we will explore culture and identity, this will link to learning topics such as community; nationality; where we come from; team building and sport.

Following the Charanga Musical School scheme of learning, these units are organised into 3 main parts:

  1. Listen and Appraise the songs.
  2. Musical Activities – learn and/or build on our knowledge and understanding about the interrelated dimensions of music.
  3. Perform the Song – perform and share our learning as we progress through the unit of work.

For more information, please view our Charanga musical school year 3 and 4 knowledge organisers



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