P.E. (T1&2)

Following the GetSet4PE scheme of learning, our Physical Education (PE) lessons for term 1 and 2 will focus on fitness; invasion games; and ball skills. Our PE lessons will be on Mondays and Tuesday and children can wear their PE kit into school on both of these days.


This term pupils develop their understanding of the benefits of exercise and a healthy lifestyle on their physical body, their mood and their overall health. They will work independently, in pairs and small groups to complete challenges in which they will sometimes need to persevere to achieve their personal best.

Invasion Games

Invasion games are games where there are two teams and two goals. Teams try to score in the opposition’s goal. Examples include football, handball, rugby, netball, basketball, hockey. In this unit, pupils develop their understanding of attacking and defending and what being ‘in possession’ means. They use and develop skills such as sending and receiving with both feet and hands, as well as dribbling with both feet and hands. They have the opportunity to play uneven and even sided games. They learn how to score points in these types of games and how to play to the rules. They work independently, with a partner and in a small group and begin to self-manage their own games, showing respect and kindness towards their teammates and opponents.

Ball Skills

Children will explore and develop their fundamental ball skills such as throwing and catching, rolling and dribbling with both hands and feet. They will look to perform these skills with increasing control and accuracy using co-ordination and balance. Pupils will have the opportunity to work independently, and collaboratively in pairs and small groups. Pupils will be able to explore their own ideas in response to tasks.

To find out more, view our GetSet4PE Knowledge Organisers



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