Development – T4

Gross Motor Skills

During our PE lessons, children will develop their basic gymnastic skills through the topic of ‘animals and their habitats’. The children will explore basic movements, creating shapes, balances, and jumps and begin to develop rocking and rolling. They will show an awareness of space and how to use it safely and perform basic skills on both floor and apparatus. They will copy, create, remember and repeat short sequences. The children will begin to understand using levels and directions when traveling and balancing

To find out more, view our GetSet4PE Knowledge Organisers

Fine Motor Skills

The children will be encouraged to use a tripod grip when using mark making tools. In addition, the children will learn how to hold scissors correctly and cut along a curved line. The children will continue to participate in daily fine motor activities such as; threading small beads, using small pegs and manipulating a variety of malleable materials.

Example of this in action:

  • The children will learn that in the past, people only had paintings and sculptures to show what people looked like and keep their images alive. They will understand that artists had the job of creating these works of art. The children will be Provided clay and shown how to roll it out, make shapes and draw in it. They will be offered mirrors, so they can see themselves and will be given the opportunity to make a clay tile of their face.
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