R.E. (T3&4)

Term 3: Sikhism – Anand Karaj

Over the course of this term we will be learning how Sikhs explore love through their weddings, which are known as “Anand Karaj”. First of all we will share our current knowledge of Weddings that we may have celebrated so we can progress our knowledge of weddings in another religion. We will cover: why weddings are special; why we make promises; Sikh weddings; working as one in a team; exploring love; and create invitations to a Sikh wedding.

To find out more, view our Anand Karaj Glossary.

Term 4: Judaism – Hanukkah

Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights. The festival celebrates the victory of Judah Maccabee and his Jewish followers over the Syrian Emperor Antiochus and the miracle of the lamp, which burned for eight days in the regained temple in Jerusalem, even though there was only enough oil for one day’s light.

Over the course of the term Darwin will look at the importance of lighting candles; Hanukkah stories; Menorah; Dreidel; Hanukkah tradition; and Exploring Miracles.

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