Religious Ed (T5&6)

Our Religious Education lessons will continue to be based upon our “Love to Celebrate” projects. Basing the “Love to Celebrate” projects around festivals gives a real-life context to the children’s learning and a structure to the projects. However, the celebration itself is only a small part of each “Love to Celebrate” project. Each set of projects covers all major aspects of each religion including worship, belief, leadership and belonging.

Please view our “World festivals and Celebrations Calendar”.

Term 5: Hinduism – Kumbh Mela

The Kumbh Mela is the largest gathering of people on Earth. Four Kumbh Mela pilgrimages take place at four sacred sites, Haridwar, Allahabad, Nasik and Ujjain, over a period of 12 years.

Washing in holy river water is at the centre of the Kumbh Mela as Hindus believe this cleanses them of bad karma. The 2013 Kumbh Mela, held at Allahabad on the confluence of the Yamuna and Ganges Rivers, attracted around 120 million pilgrims, nearly twice the population of the UK.

The key themes we will consider and examine are:  Exploring devotion; pilgrimage; birth and rebirth; life of a Naga Sadhu; and devotion. For the key words and vocabulary associated with this topic, please view our “Kumbh Mela Glossary”.

Term 6 Christianity – Sunday

In most Western countries, Sunday is part of the weekend and most Christians see it as a day of worship and rest. Practising Christians worship in many different ways and have different traditions but most will go to church, sing hymns, listen to Bible readings, say prayers and spend time together. Worshippers from other faiths and cultures also celebrate holy days, but at different time of the week. Friday is a day for Muslims to gather in the mosque for prayers and Saturday (Shabbat) is a day of rest for Jewish people.

The key themes we will consider and examine are: Is Sunday a special day? Thinking about worship; significant days; religious affiliation in the UK; and worship. For the key words and vocabulary associated with this topic, please view our “Sunday Glossary”.

Term 6 Christianity – Sunday

In most Western countries, Sunday is part of the weekend and most Christians see it as a day of worship and rest. Practising Christians worship in many different ways and have different traditions but most will go to church, sign hymns, listen to Bible readings, say prayers and spend time together. Worshippers from other faiths and cultures also celebrate holy days, but at different time of the week. Friday is a day for Muslims to gather in the mosque for prayers and Saturday (Shabbat) is a day of rest for Jewish people.

The key themes we will consider and examine are: Is Sunday a special day? Thinking about worship; significant days; religious affiliation in the UK;and worship. For the key words and vocabulary associated with this topic, please view our “Sunday Glossary”.



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